ETI - ethical trade

Piast Agro operates in accordance with provisions of ETI Base CodeThe document is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is an internationally recognised code of labour practice, focusing on 9 key areas of employment.

We encourage our business partners to implement and adhere to the provisons of ETI Base Code. We take its values into account when we qualify and assess our suppliers of goods and services.

You can download the full version of ETI Base Code in English from the following website:

ETI Base Code EN - ETI website

What is more, we have implemented our own Code of Conduct. Besides of ETI Base Code provisions, it also takes into account 8 basic ILO conventions, various documents adopted by the UN and national law. You can download our Code of Conduct from the following website:

Piast Agro Sp. z o.o. Code of Conduct

Also, to prove and formalise our commitment to occupational health and safety and  environmental protection, we implemented the following policies:

Piast Agro Sp. z o.o. OH&S policy

Piast Agro Sp. z o.o. Environmental Protection Policy